Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Where has the time gone?

So, in one week, on Thanksgiving Day, Kyrin will turn one. It has gone SO fast! Of course, when she was three months old, and STILL waking up every two hours to eat, I couldn't imagine that she'd ever be old enough to laugh, sit up, crawl or walk. She's doing ALL of those things! Well, *almost* walking...

After Kyrin was born, daddy Pedro made a movie of the pictures and video clips that were taken while at the hospital. I still watch it about 3-4 times a month. And every time I get teary eyed.

I'm pretty dang thankful.

Click here to see my favorite movie of Kyrin.

1 comment:

Kate said...

What are your plans for Thanksgiving? I sure wish you could join the gathering in Wisconsin!