Today was one of the most frustrating days I've had in a long time. Just a quick reminder - I teach 6th grade math. I'm already earning my spot in heaven for that.... My team of teachers is wonderful and we all teach the same students. We have all chosen one student, Duncan, as our 'project'. This is a kid from a rough background and has to really struggle for the C's he gets. But he really cares about his future. He knows that if he stays on the right track, college is in his future. He also knows that community college graduates can make more money than a high school graduate and a four year degree makes more than....well, you know the pay scale. So, Duncan has been working really well lately. I proudly have him a B- on his report card for the last nine weeks.
About three weeks ago, while grading an assignment, I noticed that three papers looked VERY similar. And, upon closer inspection, not only did they have all the same answers, they had the same mistakes. Three papers mysteriously had the word America spelled Anerica. An honest mistake, I'm sure, but for all THREE students? Hmmm. Well, after some stern discussion, yes, they had cheated off one another. Duncan was one of these students and he looked like he was going to cry when I told him of my disappointment. Again - he's a good kid who gets caught up in bad stuff....a lot.
So today, I noticed another student, Justin, who happens to sit right in front of me (there are reasons for that) looking into his lap repeatedly. This was while I was reminding students to turn in their homework assignment. Yep - he was cheating. And - - he was using Duncan's paper. I felt like I had been hit in the stomach. After our whole discussion on cheating, here was Duncan allowing Justin to use his paper. I sent both students to time out in other classrooms after loudly taking both papers, crumpling them up and throwing them away. My class knows the rule - both students get zeros. Well, Duncan was well aware of my total disgust for his actions. He was embarrassed and ashamed and it showed. He left my room with his head hung and didn't utter a word. However, he never made it to time out. He was walking the halls.... My time-out teacher and I gave him numerous chances to do what was asked, but he refused. So the principal was called and she came to escort him to the office.
I just felt my hard work walk to the office with this kid. Now he'll be suspended for at least one day for the willful disobedience and maybe another day for the cheating. ARGH! The discipline needs to take place, and I'm not questioning that. I'm questioning my time and effort spent. Duncan and I were really getting somewhere. Hopefully this is only a slight detour, but, ARGH!!!!!
Thanksgiving break cannot come fast enough. I'm burnt out and my students aren't far behind. I need that turkey feeling - pronto.
1 comment:
What a sad story! Why do we do things to sabotage ourselves? Is Duncan doing this to gain acceptance from his peers?
Good luck, Pi. What are you doing for the holidays? Is your mom visiting?
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