Friday, May 27, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - A song that makes you sad

When I was 16, this song played continuously. This was my teen angst song. One, it has the work "fuck" in it a million times which pissed my parents off. Two, there's a love/hate thing going on. At the time, I was hoping that someday, some guy would love me so much that if/when we broke up, *he'd* play this song continuously wishing he hadn't fucked things up.

I'm on the 'wait list' for Anthony Kiedis' book where it supposedly says this is a song written after Sinead O'Connor blew him off after he professed his love to her. I love that crap. See? Even rock stars don't get everything they want.

Why does it make me sad? I picture my hormonal teenage self trying to figure things out and this song seemed to be the answer. This song?! I picture Kiedis (total crush then and now) sitting, writing, no - scribbling! - these song lyrics wondering how he could screw up so royally. Sad, sad, sad.

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