Tuesday, May 31, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 8

Day 8 – A song that you know all the words to

I worked at YMCA Camp Mason in Blairstown, New Jersey for 6 years through high school and into college as a camp counselor. It's like a fraternity or sorority - you're in it for life. And the people you meet there are in it too. And you talk about it all the time. The funny stuff, the not-so-funny stuff, you share pictures, you share names and addresses. Camp Mason taught me a LOT about life, about love, about friendship, about food poisoning, about everything. This song reminds me of the summer of 1992, I think. The summer of my first big, HUGE crush, Mark, that I got into trouble for since he was a counselor and I was not, (only a CIT at that point), the summer I figured out that I could be whoever I wanted to be when people didn't know me (since my high school experience sucked, and this was 8 hours away from high school....) and the summer I decided that I wanted to be a camp counselor. For a long, LONG time.

And 2-3 times every summer, I learned the words to a song to teach my cabin (sometimes with other cabins) to perform at the session's talent show. Sometimes I performed with them, other times I was perfectly happy to sit and watch. This was one I helped to perform. Complete with awesome dance moves. Fit for the 9 year olds that agreed to use this song. Poor girls. And it became kind of my 'theme song' for that summer. You know the words too. Sing with me.....

Monday, May 30, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 7

Day 7 – A song that reminds you of a certain event

This song reminds me of moving to Florida. I was finally living in a real 'city' with real radio stations and I heard this and thought I'd gone to heaven. I got a job the first few weeks living there as a bank teller and had to drive from New Tampa to Largo (about 60 minutes one way) for training. 5 days of sitting in rush hour traffic going to and coming from work. This song would play at least once on the radio. And if it didn't, I'd be disappointed. Thank goodness it seemed to be on a good rotation!

I've always loved dance/techno/house/trance music but when I heard this, I needed more. I started hearing about Ybor City and the dance clubs there. I eventually *went* to a few of the dance clubs and would have lived there if it hadn't been for jobs or college. Humph. Stupid responsibilities. But I thank Cheryl and Pete and eventually Dave for going to The Amphitheater with me all those weekends. I miss it sometimes.

The video has MUCH to be desired. Unless you're on ecstasy. Then it might be really cool. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 6

Day 6 - A song that reminds you of somewhere.

Easy. Honeymoon. Scotland. Driving on the wrong side of the road. Loved it. Not a huge fan of the song. But it reminds me/us of Scotland every time. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 5

Day 5 – A song that reminds you of someone

I know a lot of people. A lot. Not that I'm uber popular or shallow, but I can seriously tell you how I know all 400+ people on my facebook page personally. This made today's challenge especially hard. I thought of a song and then the person(s) I think of because of that song. I thought of a person and then the songs that I associated with them.

Last night's post got me into the high school mode. And who better to remember than my friend Lisa. She and I were peas in a pod in high school. We each had other friends but it seemed we always found each other on the weekends, random Tuesday evenings, over the summer, between jobs, etc. We got into trouble together, doing practically nothing, and were model students together. We partied, drove drunk friends around, took offices in the French Club. Mostly though, we drove around. And around. And around. We both had access to a car, not *our own* car, but a car. And we drove. We figured out the school bus to trailer ratio in Peru, we had picnics on abandoned house's lawns, and we drove. For hours. And this song, on a mixed tape of mine, was played a LOT. We'd often drive around until this song was over. Like around the block. 5 minutes late for curfew was standard. And it was Lynyrd Skynyrd's fault. Hope you don't have anything to do for the next 10 minutes. Ha!

Friday, May 27, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - A song that makes you sad

When I was 16, this song played continuously. This was my teen angst song. One, it has the work "fuck" in it a million times which pissed my parents off. Two, there's a love/hate thing going on. At the time, I was hoping that someday, some guy would love me so much that if/when we broke up, *he'd* play this song continuously wishing he hadn't fucked things up.

I'm on the 'wait list' for Anthony Kiedis' book where it supposedly says this is a song written after Sinead O'Connor blew him off after he professed his love to her. I love that crap. See? Even rock stars don't get everything they want.

Why does it make me sad? I picture my hormonal teenage self trying to figure things out and this song seemed to be the answer. This song?! I picture Kiedis (total crush then and now) sitting, writing, no - scribbling! - these song lyrics wondering how he could screw up so royally. Sad, sad, sad.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 3

Day 3 - A song that makes you happy.

I love this song. It was used in a VW commercial in 2002 and I just chalked it up to a cool commercial. Years later I heard it used in a Jim Carey movie trailer (get to googling, geeks!) and started investigating. I found out about the band, the song and it actually became one of my very first true 'downloads'. This song is on EVERY running playlist I've ever made. I put it on repeat sometimes so it plays 3-4 times in a row. And I smile every. single. time. Enjoy.

And because I love VW that much (yes, I'm a freak) here's the commercial. Rad, no?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 2

Day 2 - Your least favorite song

I'm not afraid to admit that I hate country. I know a LOT of people who do like it - the old country, the new stuff, the pop country, etc. Ever since Shania Twain and Miley's dad "crossed over" into the pop world with their feel-like-a-woman-achy-breaky-hearts, I've hated country. Fast forward to this generation of pop country stars. Carrie Underwood, Lady Antebellum and the country pop princess herself, Taylor Swift, have disturbed my top-40 listening pleasure lately. Not that there aren't terrible top-40 songs out there (just wait) or artists. And I know that everyone has their opinion, and this is just mine, but Taylor Swift drives me INSANE. I don't like her voice, I don't like her songs, I don't like her videos, I don't like her. I think she writes perfect songs for the 16 year old that she is. I think she has terrific people promoting the sh*t out of her and her music and - poof - a pop star. Her lyrics drive me crazy. Her teen love angst is overrated. Yes, everyone feels like that sometimes, but then I turned 18 and actually realized that *everyone* feels like that and I wasn't a leper and moved on. I turn the channel (tv or otherwise) when she's on. Bleck. There. Least favorite song? Of Taylor's there are so many to choose from.

Now, listen, before you start coming down on me, this is MY opinion. If you want to do this challenge and pick a Taylor Swift song for EVERY SINGLE CHOICE - have at it. I won't b*tch about your opinions. Don't b*tch about mine. Kthxbye.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 day song challenge - Day 1

Ok. Fine. I'll just start. I have been thinking about it and actually putting MEGA pressure on myself to really do it EVERY DAY and to stick with it, blah, blah, blah. You know what? I'll start and if I skip a day, I'll catch up. And if I skip a few days, I'll catch up. I've got 2 young kids and a (probable) November half marathon to train for. Busy is an understatement....

Day 1: Your Favorite Song
This changes daily. Weekly. Monthly. Yearly. So, here it is for today.
I like her. A lot. This was the first song I heard and knew it was Adele. It prompted me to find out about her and listen to more of her music. Love. Her. Lots.