Monday, April 13, 2009

Ok - an update

I really only have time for a quickie update. The sound of me typing ALWAYS wakes up Courtney, our now almost 8 week old daughter. Yep - she's wriggling already. Oh well.

I had forgotten how busy a newborn really keeps you! Yes, she eats, sleeps and poops. But then there are the times when she'll ONLY sleep on you, or the times when she has gas and is just super uncomfortable, or the times she just cries - for her own baby reasons. I'm amazed at how LITTLE gets done during a day. I have all the good intentions in the world - get the laundry folded, the dishes in the dishwasher, her baby book started. And then something comes up. Today? She slept on my chest for 2 hours. Who am I to move a soundly, happily, warmly sleeping baby girl? Ok - so I kind of enjoyed it. =) And the laundry will get done. I promise.

Then add to the mix an almost two-and-a-half year old. Katie is in go-go-toddler mode constantly. She loves to color, play stickers, play kitchen, play outside, play inside, play, play, play. If we could harness just a pinky-finger-full of her energy, we'd be set for DAYS! She's adjusting to Courtney pretty well here at home. School is a different story. She's still going to full-time daycare for convenience. She likes it there, her teachers really like her, and it gives me a a chance to deal with Courtney's baby schedule (or lack thereof) during the day. But, Katie's having difficulty with how much attention she's receiving at school. She's a favorite among most of the teachers and she's moving into a room that 'there are no favorites'. Well, that doesn't sit well with Miss K. So, she whines and cries a lot. I think I'll pull her out in another week or two so she'll be home full-time. Then I can give both girls divided attention. Yeah - great.

I figure we all have siblings. All parents with 2 or more children have gone through this. We can make it too. At least Katie's not causing physical harm to Courtney or Courtney's doesn't have colic or I didn't have triplets. We can do it!

So, there's an update. Nice, huh? Well, I'm still here and I took 10 minutes to update you. So, take what you can get! =)


Kate said...

I think the baby napping on your chest sounds so lovely! And I'm sure Katie will adjust soon enough. She's a smart kid and will figure it out. :)

Sounds like you're having fun being a mom. Lucky!

Starla said...

You'll have to learn to type silently. Like that's possible. But "it goes by so fast," which is unbelievably trite but doggone it, true! Just enjoy 'em.