My 2 year old daughter came home with a stomach bug. She spent all day Saturday throwing up and then the 'fun' diapers began. 24 hours. Not a big deal. She's back to her silly self.
Last night I wasn't feeling so hot. I went to bed early. An hour later I was making the first of about 7 mad dashes for the toilet. Yes - I had caught my daughter's stomach bug. While I'm SURE I was NOT attractive while vomiting, I couldn't help but think how utterly comical it must look. I am now 37 weeks pregnant - about as big as you can get. The way our bathroom is set up, the toilet has it's own little room with a door. Read LITTLE ROOM. Put giganto prego lady on her knees with her face in the bowl and then ask that pregnant lady to get up when she's done. I'm surprised there aren't literal dents in the wall. I probably looked drunk. No. I wish.
Oh - and for those who have never been pregnant before, let me tell you a little secret. You don't have great control over your 'other end' functions this late in pregnancy. So, heave your guts out so hard that you think your eyeballs are about to pop out and see if you can 'hold it in'. Good luck. I'll be here when you get over the shame and tell me about it. I'm just saying.....
Great job of making something so yukky so funny. You're really good, little/big mama.
Don't worry... when it happens to me you can laugh b/c I am laughing my ass off! Too funny! Hope you feel better. I'm surprised you didn't push that kid out with your forceful upchucking :)
I was fully expecting a screaming child to sploosh into the toilet at one point. Too bad those systems aren't connected....
And no - no labor inducing vomiting either. I did cross my fingers at one point that the barfing would trigger some 'movement' in that area. No.
It triggered movement when I didn't want it. Leaving me needing to go panty shopping.
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