Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Um.... Bob and Jen?

So, I think we need to make some adjustments to the guest list at Bob and Jen's wedding. (1) One more person will be attending both the ceremony and reception. However, (2) the person won't eat much and (3) one LESS person will be taking advantage of the open bar. Figured it out yet?

Yep - Baby Gunn #2 is on the way!! YAY! We're still in the OMG phase but the regular evening sickness is making it quite real for me. Yuk. Due date is in March so get your congratulations ready for Big Sister Katie!!


Jaw said...

Cuz!! Wow congrats to the ever-growing Gunn family!!! Hey maybe this one will hold out for the best birthday ever, April 6, so s/he can be as cool as me! Haha! Just kidding! Congrats again!

Kate said...

Emily, congratulations! I am so happy for you, Pete, and Katie!

Unknown said...

Congrats (Again!) to the Gunn's!!
getting pregnant twice before I'm even married...jeesh..I'm wayyy behind in the competition...

The Dubbs are so happy for u guys..

Anonymous said...

Congrats Gunn Family!
Very exciting news!

Anonymous said...

congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!

Now Maya isn't the youngest!!! Hope your pregnancy is smooth and enjoyable

love you guys-

The Bartstews

Anonymous said...

More baby Gunns running around. What has the world come to?
