Monday, August 11, 2008


So, now that the news of B2 (baby #2) is out, I can moan and groan about my health. If you'd rather not read a downer blog, that's ok with me.

Since I found out I was pregnant, the tiredness has hit me hard. The first time around I was able to crash on the couch whenever I felt like it and then schlep up to bed at a later time. Not so much this time! An active toddler doesn't like it when mommy's laying on the couch. She'd much rather play and run and sing and dance and jump and repeat. So, I'm in bed these days MUCH earlier than usual trying to catch up on sleep.

To continue the comparison, my first pregnancy was really great. I wasn't sick. At all. For one day. I didn't have morning sickness, headaches, body aches, or even a runny nose. Well, you name it, I've got it. My current ailment is a runny nose and stuffy sinuses. And since the good drugs are off the market, I have to grin and bare it. Oh, and I'm still required to play and run and sing and dance and jump and repeat.

All this with school starting next Monday. Hooray.

It's really hard to type sarcasm.....


Kate said...

Hang in there, Em. Just think about that sweet little baby you'll get to hold in your arms when it's all over. Lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about driving Pete around!