Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kitty - you're killing me!

I am a notorious survey taker. I like them online, in person, even with a telemarketer. So, I saw this on my cousin's blog I knew I'd be cutting and pasting... Here ya go:

20 Years!

20 Years Ago:
1. I was 11 years old and in my own personal hell at Plattsburgh Middle School.
2. I got glasses and braces in one week.
3. I think my cat Pansy died that year. She was a great kitty!
4. I was obsessed with New Kids on the Block. (Still am - I'm headed to their concert in November!!)
5. My best friend was named Bambi. Really.

10 Years Ago:
1. I was a college dropout from SUNY Oswego.
2. I was falling head over heels for this guy named Pete.
3. I got my first job as a bank teller.
4. I got Pete a cat for a housewarming gift. He named her Jiggy.
5. I was BROKE.

5 Years Ago:
1. I graduated from the University of South Florida! Yay!
2. I got my first new car - a 2003 VW Jetta.
3. I got my first teaching job - 5th grade at Schmidt Elementary. It put me into therapy.
4. I got engaged to this great guy named Pete.
5. I found my super cute kitty Zoe under a bush.

3 Years Ago:
1. I got married to this great guy named Pete.
2. I bought my first house.
3. I raised almost $8000 for Relay for Life at the "low-income" middle school I worked at.
4. I went on the most fabulous trip to Scotland for our honeymoon. I dream of going back.
5. I went to Jamaica for the wedding of Matt and Rachel. It was awesome!

1 Year Ago:
1. I was in my sister's wedding as her maid of honor. She looked beautiful!
2. I held my baby as she came out of anesthesia after having tubes put in her ears.
3. I went back to work after my extended maternity leave.
4. I went to Jaime's wedding on Clearwater Beach. She looked like a model!
5. I turned 30. Oy.

So far this year:
1. I finished full school year. Phew!
2. My mom and my dad have visited me in Florida. Separately. ;)
3. I went to Oswego for a HUGE Alpha Delta Eta reunion. It was a blast!
4. I saw my daughter do a forward roll all by herself!!
5. Our friend's who were married in Jamaica welcomed their first baby! A girl. Maya Teresa. God bless!

1. I ran/walked 2.8 miles on the treadmill.
2. I made fruit leather for the first time. It is GREAT and I will totally make it again!
3. I lived through 2 temper tantrums.
4. I had the best sleep I've had in DAYS!!
5. I thanked God again I don't have sextuplets. Watch Jon & Kate Plus 8. You'll thank Him too!

1. I sent a letter to our crazy Home Owners Association lady about our trees. We'll see what happens....
2. I made the BEST lemon tarragon chicken EVER.
3. I nailed down plans for Fourth of July. We're headed to the Briggs'! YAY!
4. I played games on Facebook for WAAAAAAAAAAY too long.
5. I read this survey on Kitty's blog.

1. I will celebrate my third wedding anniversary!
2. I will take my daughter to gymnastics class and hope (again) that she doesn't hurt herself.
3. I will go to the YMCA and run/walk for 30 minutes.
4. I will probably have to drain the pool. It's raining again....
5. I will (oh - just remembered!) put the garbage out!

Next Year:
1. I will stand up as Dawn's maid of honor.
2. I hope there aren't as many weddings as this year! We've been through 3 already - four more to go!
3. I hope my sister and brother-in-law find the house of their dreams.
4. I hope I have new kitchen cabinets.
5. I hope Kaitlyn is on her way to becoming a big sister!


Kate said...

I see my evil plan worked! Your time was successfully sucked by this long survey!

Starla said...

I love the survey. If I were younger I'd do it, but there are just too many years behind me to remember what happened when. Both yours and Kitty's were fun to read, though. I'm glad she sucked you in!

Jane said...

So you still like NKOTB? I'm not making fun b/c I admit that I sing along to their new single when I hear it on the radio. Good for you to see them in concert... again. You went to a concert in middle school, right?