I LOVE the Weight Watcher's program. I've been doing it on and off for the last 3 years and at one point lost 30 pounds. It's terrific. Their food isn't that bad either. The ice cream bars and english muffins are just as god as regular ones.
My problem? The lemon cake. It's very tasty!! But - honestly - you get a cake the size of a snack sized candy bar. Yeah - those ones you get for Halloween?? What good is a lemon cake - that is so tasty - if you only get one bite?? I know, I know - that's the point of Weight Watchers. But seriously...one bite? Not fair.
I'd rather have three mini Hostess HoHo's (100-calorie pack) for the same 'points' as one bite of lemon cake.
Don't waste your cash.
Pi, the joke is that you are expected to have enough self-control to eat only one of those delicious cakes. Why don't I buy these cakes? Because I can't stop at one! I have to eat the ENTIRE BOX!
Sigh---I'd better go eat some carrots.
Those puny, miniature Lemon Cakes remind me of Zingers... man, I could sure go for a Zinger right about now...
I LOVE Zingers...probably not a WW friendly food though. =(
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