Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kitty - you're killing me!

I am a notorious survey taker. I like them online, in person, even with a telemarketer. So, I saw this on my cousin's blog I knew I'd be cutting and pasting... Here ya go:

20 Years!

20 Years Ago:
1. I was 11 years old and in my own personal hell at Plattsburgh Middle School.
2. I got glasses and braces in one week.
3. I think my cat Pansy died that year. She was a great kitty!
4. I was obsessed with New Kids on the Block. (Still am - I'm headed to their concert in November!!)
5. My best friend was named Bambi. Really.

10 Years Ago:
1. I was a college dropout from SUNY Oswego.
2. I was falling head over heels for this guy named Pete.
3. I got my first job as a bank teller.
4. I got Pete a cat for a housewarming gift. He named her Jiggy.
5. I was BROKE.

5 Years Ago:
1. I graduated from the University of South Florida! Yay!
2. I got my first new car - a 2003 VW Jetta.
3. I got my first teaching job - 5th grade at Schmidt Elementary. It put me into therapy.
4. I got engaged to this great guy named Pete.
5. I found my super cute kitty Zoe under a bush.

3 Years Ago:
1. I got married to this great guy named Pete.
2. I bought my first house.
3. I raised almost $8000 for Relay for Life at the "low-income" middle school I worked at.
4. I went on the most fabulous trip to Scotland for our honeymoon. I dream of going back.
5. I went to Jamaica for the wedding of Matt and Rachel. It was awesome!

1 Year Ago:
1. I was in my sister's wedding as her maid of honor. She looked beautiful!
2. I held my baby as she came out of anesthesia after having tubes put in her ears.
3. I went back to work after my extended maternity leave.
4. I went to Jaime's wedding on Clearwater Beach. She looked like a model!
5. I turned 30. Oy.

So far this year:
1. I finished full school year. Phew!
2. My mom and my dad have visited me in Florida. Separately. ;)
3. I went to Oswego for a HUGE Alpha Delta Eta reunion. It was a blast!
4. I saw my daughter do a forward roll all by herself!!
5. Our friend's who were married in Jamaica welcomed their first baby! A girl. Maya Teresa. God bless!

1. I ran/walked 2.8 miles on the treadmill.
2. I made fruit leather for the first time. It is GREAT and I will totally make it again!
3. I lived through 2 temper tantrums.
4. I had the best sleep I've had in DAYS!!
5. I thanked God again I don't have sextuplets. Watch Jon & Kate Plus 8. You'll thank Him too!

1. I sent a letter to our crazy Home Owners Association lady about our trees. We'll see what happens....
2. I made the BEST lemon tarragon chicken EVER.
3. I nailed down plans for Fourth of July. We're headed to the Briggs'! YAY!
4. I played games on Facebook for WAAAAAAAAAAY too long.
5. I read this survey on Kitty's blog.

1. I will celebrate my third wedding anniversary!
2. I will take my daughter to gymnastics class and hope (again) that she doesn't hurt herself.
3. I will go to the YMCA and run/walk for 30 minutes.
4. I will probably have to drain the pool. It's raining again....
5. I will (oh - just remembered!) put the garbage out!

Next Year:
1. I will stand up as Dawn's maid of honor.
2. I hope there aren't as many weddings as this year! We've been through 3 already - four more to go!
3. I hope my sister and brother-in-law find the house of their dreams.
4. I hope I have new kitchen cabinets.
5. I hope Kaitlyn is on her way to becoming a big sister!