Thought it was The Terrible Twos? Yeah - so did I! Kyrin will be 19 months old this weekend and we've already had numerous, full-blown, kicking, screaming, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tantrums. Yay.
The most recent was during a really fun class that I signed us up for at
My Gym. This place is SO cool. It's basically an indoor playground with mats, trampolines, a ball pit, etc. It's all sized and geared for kids 5 and under. Our first day was Wednesday. Kyrin was overwhelmed by how fun it was! When it was time to sit in a circle with me and the other Desperate Housewives moms (more about that in a minute) she went ballistic. I was THAT mom. The dirty looks I got was a shock. I had anticipated Kyrin's mood, but lay off me ladies!
Of course, we were the 'black sheep' of this crowd. If you haven't visited, we live in a very Desperate Housewives area. I've been given strange looks when I mention that I work full time AND have a child. So, it was a Wednesday morning - prime time Soccer Mom Central. Most moms there, about 15 of them, were dressed to the nines. Cute khaki capris, hair quaffed, makeup done, no stains. Their children were just a spotless. Obviously ironed clothes, no stains, hair bows and curls perfectly in place. Then there was us. I was in a t-shirt that had a hole in the shoulder, I hadn't showered yet that day (it was only 9 am...) hair in a pony tail. Kyrin was in her finest bargain-bin t-shirt and shorts complete with a permanent juice stain on the collar. Her already hard-to-tame hair was particularly crazy after having syrup on her waffles and creating her own toddler-hawk. Needless to say, they skipped right over us in the corner (while I restrained Kyrin) while going around for introductions.
Even though we were the outcasts of this cult, I signed us up. Kyrin had SO much fun climbing, swinging and running. She slept for the longest nap EVER and since we get unlimited classes, I'll be taking full advantage of these sleep times!